Love the children … and make a great effort to improve their education
and raise it to as high a degree as possible. Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey

1st Year Induction


We welcomed our 1st year students at Mount Sackville this week. Their induction started at the assembly. 120 students all wearing their new red hoodies gathered in the gym hall where they were greeted by the Principal, Deputy Principal and their Dean. Mrs Cuddihy-Higgins stressed the importance of kindness. Ms McGlinn reminded you can always ask for help. Ms Owens encouraged the students to make friends and get involved and engaged.

To celebrate 160 years of Mount Sackville our 1st year classes were named after three inspirational women connected to our school and two places in France that are touch stones along the road to founding our school.

Javouhey is named after Anne Marie Javouhey, who founded the St Joseph of Cluny order in 1807.

Chalon is named after a city in eastern France where Anne Marie Javouhey met Pope Pius VII in 1804 and was encouraged into her religious vocation.

Cluny is named after a town in France where Anne Marie Javouhey bought a house and established the first convent of St Joseph of Cluny.

Pitchet is named after Sr Callixte Pichet, who came from the St Joseph of Cluny order in France to Ireland in 1860 and bought Mount Sackville in 1864 to establish a convent and a school.

Guinan is named after Sr Maeve Guinan who is the current provincial of the St Joseph of Cluny order in Ireland.

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After the assembly the first year students met with tutors in their classrooms and then guided by the 6th year prefects had a tour of the school.

An array of activities was planned for the next few days including friendship workshops, ICT skills workshops, sports and choir testers.

It was a week full of fun and each day the students got to know their tutors better, found their way around the school and made new friends.

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20 2024
Opening Mass
21 2024
Open Day
23 2024
School Closed
29 2024
Debutante Ball
Mount Sackville Secondary School,
Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny,
Dublin 20,
D20 WP68

01 821 3317
01 821 4061

© 2024 Mount Sackville Secondary School