The beautiful weather we were blessed with on the 26th of April reflected the gorgeous atmosphere at the end of year music recital. Anticipation was high last Friday as this type of performance has not been available since pre-Covid, but as the Assembly Hall was filled with such a large audience, it became apparent that this evening full of talent would be well remembered.
Ms. Lane’s orchestra opened with tunes from iconic films, setting a fabulous tone for the evening. Followed by the reputable Junior Choir, directed by Dr. Mulvey, as polished as ever. A handful of junior students performed solo pieces, showcasing their overwhelming talent at the beginning of their musical journeys.
6th year students were taking this as an opportunity to say their final goodbyes to music in Mount Sackville, ranging from vocal and instrumental soloists, alongside the music class with some group singing.
To close the night on a high was an emotional and breathtaking performance by the Senior Choir, directed by Ms. Gannon. This was a night full of joy and passion, with everyone connected in such a compelling way through music.
A massive amount of gratitude is owed to everyone who made the recital possible, including Mrs. Cuddihy-Higgins, Ms. McGlinn, Director of Music Ms. Gannon, Dr. Mulvey, Mr. Ryan, Mr. McDonnell, Ms. Lane, Mr. Puszczewicz and special guest Tom Little who provided accompaniment.