Leaving Certificate Agricultural Science involves the study of the science and technology underlying the principles and practices of agriculture. It aims to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote the sustainability of agricultural resources, and places emphasis on the managed use of these resources. Plants and animal types associated with agriculture are studied, and investigations are undertaken into such aspects as soil, ecology, plant and animal physiology, farm crops, farming practices, genetics and microbiology.
Course Structure

Ordinary Level
The learning outcomes that are presented in normal type apply at Ordinary level. Students engage with a broad range of knowledge, mainly factual in nature, but with some elements of abstraction or theory. Students at Ordinary level will be expected to demonstrate and use a moderate range of practical and cognitive skills and tools, select from a range of procedures, and apply known solutions to problems in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
Higher Level
All learning outcomes, including those in bold type, apply at Higher level. Students engage with a broad range of knowledge including theoretical concepts and abstract thinking with significant depth in some areas. Students at Higher level will be expected to demonstrate and use a broad range of specialised skills and tools to evaluate and use information, to plan and develop investigative strategies, and to determine solutions to varied, unfamiliar problems, and to identify and apply skills and knowledge in a wide variety of both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.