Love the children … and make a great effort to improve their education
and raise it to as high a degree as possible. Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey


Subject summary

Biology is the study of life. Through the study of biology students employ the processes of science to explore the diversity of life and the inter-relationships between organisms and their environment. They become more aware of the use of living organisms and their products to enhance human health and the environment.

Why study ?

Biology is a popular subject and is the study of life. It requires a lot of memory work so is a good choice for students with attention to detail and excellent memory work. Many courses require at least one science subject and some even require two (see third level entry requirements). Therefore, it is a good idea to have at least one science subject to keep your options open. Those considering medicine, nursing and related courses will find that this subject will be of huge benefit in their studies.



Course Content

The LC Biology Course is divided into the following 3 units of learning:

Unit One: Biology - The Study of Life

• The Scientific Method

• The Characteristics of Life

• Nutrition

• General Principles of Ecology

• A Study of an Ecosystem

Unit Two: The Cell

• Cell Structure

• Cell Metabolism

• Cell Continuity

• Cell Diversity

• Genetics

Unit Three: The Organism

• Diversity of Organisms

• Organisation and the Vascular Structures

• Transport and Nutrition

• Breathing System and Excretion

• Responses to Stimuli

• Reproduction and Growth

Exam Structure

Total time for paper = 3 hours

Total marks for paper = 400 marks

The LC Biology paper is divided into 3 sections.

Section A – Short Answer Questoions

Six questions are presented. You answer any five. Each question carries 20 marks. 5 questions of 20 marks each amount to 100 total marks. Time recommendation for this section is 30 minutes. Advice: Answer all six questions. Answer all parts of all questions even if it is only a guess. All answers will be marked and you will be given the best combination.

Section B - Mandatory practicals

Three questions presented. You answer any two. Each question carries 30 marks. 2 questions of 30 marks each total to 60 marks. Time recommended for thsi section is 30 minutes. Advice: Answer all parts of the two questions of your choice. A blank space gets no marks while a correct guess will get you three marks. If you run out of space on the test paper, you can put an answer to any questions in sections A or B in your answer booklet then write “see answer booklet” in the appropriate space of the question paper.

Section C - Long answer section

Six questions are presented. You answer any four into your answer booklet. Each question carries 60 marks. 4 questions of 60 marks each total to 240 marks.Time recommendation for this section is 120 minutes. Advice: Answer five questions if you can, the best four will be added up for final marks. Pay close attention to the wording of the question: ‘state, list, name, describe. etc’ . Time is valuable so do NOT repeat the question in your answer. Just write the answer.

Career Possibilities

Biology careers can lead you to study living organisms to help develop biological knowledge and understanding of living processes for a number of different purposes, including treatment of disease and sustaining the natural environment. The career possibilities in Biology are wide-ranging. Just some examples include: Medicine Dentistry Pharmacy Nature conservation officer. Biotechnology Forensic science Food Science Research Scientist

Past Papers

LC 2023 Biology Section A and B

LC 2023 Biology Section C

19 2025
Catholic Schools Week
20 2025
TY Work Experience Week 2
21 2025
MEL Mock Orals
21 2025
Mount Sackville Secondary School,
Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny,
Dublin 20,
D20 WP68

01 821 3317
01 821 4061

© 2025 Mount Sackville Secondary School