The Mathematics department consists of eleven qualified mathematics teachers. We have a strong commitment towards enabling every student to reach their full potential and continuously monitor students’ progress with common tests. All our teachers are actively encouraged to attend in-service courses.
Junior Cycle
Junior Cycle Mathematics focuses on improving students’ mathematical experience in the classroom and on developing skills for life, work, and further study through the five inter-connected strands: Statistics and Probability, Geometry and Trigonometry, Number, Algebra and Functions.
The objective of Junior Cycle Mathematics is that all students develop mathematical proficiency. Mathematical proficiency is more than just procedural fluency and is explicitly characterised in the syllabus as:
- Conceptual understanding – comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations, and relations.
- Procedural fluency – skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately.
- Strategic competence – ability to formulate, represent and solve mathematical problems in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
- Adaptive reasoning – capacity for logical thought, reflection, explanation, justification, and communication.
- Productive disposition – habitual inclination to see mathematics as sensible, useful and worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence, perseverance and one’s own efficacy.

How it is assessed:
In second and third year, students complete two Classroom Based Assessments (CBA). A final written assessment will take place in June of third year. This is a 2 hour exam which can be taken at higher or ordinary level.
How Classes are organised: Students
Mathematics is a compulsory subject for Junior Cycle and students are allocated 3 class periods a week for first and second year, there are 4 class periods in third year. All classes are arranged in mixed ability groups.
More information is available here

Transition Year
We have a well-rounded transition year programme, with an emphasis on academic work. We aim to facilitate the smooth transition from Junior Cycle to the more independent, self-directed learning required for the Senior Cycle. The Mathematics classes are spent working on topics to bridge the difference between Junior and Senior cycle. The topics are selected by the Maths department to help the student gain confidence in their Maths ability and help them reach their full potential.
The topics may include;
- Probability
- Statistics
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Complex Numbers
- Algebra
How Classes are organised:
Mathematics is a compulsory subject for Transition Year and students are allocated 3 class periods a week. Higher level classes are arranged in mixed ability groups. There is one Ordinary Level class.
Senior Cycle
Leaving Certificate Mathematics is offered at Higher and Ordinary level. Classes are divided by level and are then arranged to ensure mixed ability. Each class level follows a common scheme of work and teachers regularly collaborate with each other on the progress of their classes. All classes have common exams. Each student is encouraged to reach her full potential at the level that is best suited for her. The numbers of students studying Mathematics at Higher Level in Mount Sackville are consistently above the national average.
Useful Links
Marking Schemes for exam papers
Logical puzzles and games.
Details of the nationwide maths week.