Love the children … and make a great effort to improve their education
and raise it to as high a degree as possible. Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey


Junior Cycle

Music can be chosen as an academic subject for Junior Cycle at Mount Sackville Secondary School. Students will have the opportunity to develop their relationship with music as well as learn many new skills along the way which will serve them in life. In line with the new Junior Cycle Specification, students will have more freedom to explore composition, performance and aural skills with a greater emphasis on creativity through the use of IT.

Students may already be proficient on an instrument but the course requirements allow for an interested student to begin studying Music in first year and to develop their skills on an instrument.

Mount Sackville offers a wide range of instrumental teaching within the school day as well as a varied extra-curricular programme to enhance the teaching and learning outcomes.

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CBA 1: Composition portfolio. This portfolio is produced over the course of first and second year and the students select 2 pieces which will be assessed towards the end of second year.

CBA 2: Programme note. This is produced in term two of third year to provide information on pieces to be performed in the practical examination.

The final examination will consist of a practical examination and a written examination. The practical examination will be allocated 30% of the marks available. It will take place in third year. Students will perform three musical songs/pieces. Solo and group performing may be freely mixed. The songs/pieces may also be presented on a variety of instruments or through a combination of voice and instruments. The standard required will reflect what can be attained in three years of class-based tuition.

There will be one written examination paper at a common level. This paper will be set and marked by the SEC and will be allocated 70% of the marks for the final assessment. The examination will be of one and a half hour’s duration and will take place at the end of third year. During this assessment, students will be required to engage with, demonstrate comprehension of, and provide written responses to stimulus material.

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Senior Cycle

Leaving Cert Music provides continuity and progression from Junior Certificate/Cycle Music. The general aims and overall shape of both is broadly similar. In providing the musical knowledge, understanding, practical competencies and attitudes appropriate to their age, abilities and interests, the syllabus caters for the varying needs of all students including those who wish to pursue further studies in Music.

Why study ?

Students can gain up to 50% of the total marks in the musical activity that best suits their talent before they even sit the written paper. In Music you can develop your talent and knowledge in this area and continue your studies in a wide range of colleges.

Course Content

The content of this syllabus involves a series of interrelated musical activities within each of the three core areas of musical experience, performing, composing and listening. In performing, students may choose from a variety of individual and/or group performing activities. In composing, students may select from a range of prescribed exercises and the listening component spans different musical periods, styles and genres through the study of four prescribed works. At higher level, students may specialise in one of the three areas of musical experience. The structure of the syllabus allows them to undertake 50% of their work in the musical activity that best suits their interests and talents. Most students elect to take performing as 50% of their exam. The syllabus content allows for considerable diversity in the choice of teaching materials and approaches. All musical genres are encouraged.

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Exam Structure

Leaving Certificate Music is examined at two levels, higher level and ordinary level. The modes of the assessment include a practical examination in individual and/or group performing and includes the option of music technology which takes place in March/April of 6th Year. The listening and composing papers takes place in June.

Listening: 100 marks, 1 hour 30 minutes.

Composing: 100 marks, 1 hour 30 minutes.

Career Possibilities

Music is useful for media work or studies, primary teaching, sound engineering, public relations, library work, speech therapy, film, physical education, communications, production, performance and music at third level.

Note: Students are required to be able to read music to study this subject. Little knowledge of music history is not a problem, but a working knowledge of a musical instrument (piano, guitar, voice etc.) is essential. All students who have studied Junior Cycle Music are eligible. All other interested students should discuss the subject with the Director of Music.

20 2024
Opening Mass
21 2024
Open Day
23 2024
School Closed
29 2024
Debutante Ball
Mount Sackville Secondary School,
Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny,
Dublin 20,
D20 WP68

01 821 3317
01 821 4061

© 2024 Mount Sackville Secondary School