Love the children … and make a great effort to improve their education
and raise it to as high a degree as possible. Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey

Religious Education

The Cluny Charism

The spirituality of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny is expressed in the ‘charism’ given to Anne-Marie Javouhey.

Anne Marie Javouhey 3.jpg

The school’s motto, the three theological virtues of ‘Fides, Spes, Caritas’ (Faith, Hope, Charity) capture the essence of some key aspects of Cluny Spirituality:

  • Discernment of God's Will: The Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny prioritise discerning and following God's Will in all aspects of life, fostering a deep commitment to recognising and embracing His guidance. ‘To do the Will of God, surely that is everything. We must therefore see it in all things, love to do it and make it loved.”
  • Contemplation and Mission: Contemplation is integrated into daily life. using it as the foundation for our mission to proclaim the Good News, liberate the oppressed, and empower individuals while upholding human dignity.
  • Practical Spirituality in Action: Cluny spirituality is marked by a life of prayer, simplicity, and readiness for service. One must be able to adapt to changing circumstances, prioritise based on the world's needs, and demonstrate courage while sharing God's love with all.

Junior Cycle Religious Education

At Junior Cycle level, our students study the state curriculum which includes an in-depth examination of the history and development of five major world religions, a variety of faith communities working in the areas of spirituality, justice and peace, people of faith and the role of art, architecture and tradition in the human search for meaning. Our Junior Cycle programme also includes preparation for liturgies and special celebrations throughout the year.


Senior Cycle Religious Education

At Senior Cycle, students will either take up R.E. as an exam subject or they take part in the Faith and Spiritual enrichment programme.

At enrichment level, our students experience a modular system of Religious Education whereby they study four courses per year with the guidance of four different, expert teachers. Students are given the opportunity to experience a broad range of courses including Scripture Studies, Morality and Ethics, Meditation and Spirituality, and Philosophy. In addition to work within the classroom, both fifth and sixth year students have opportunities to be faith leaders in the school as lighthouse leaders or liturgical prefects respectively.

Some other opportunities provided by the school include:

  • Annual retreats
  • Monthly Class Liturgies
  • Whole school masses
  • Cluny Day Celebrations for the feast day of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny
  • Rite of Reconciliation
  • Distribution of ashes for Ash Wednesday
  • Annual pilgrimage to Lourdes
  • The Camino de Santiago

If students wish to pursue Religious Education as an exam subject for the Leaving Certificate, they will follow the state syllabus over the course of two years. The course encourages the students to assume the roles of both critical questioner and reflective searcher.

Over the course of the two years of study, a selection of the following topics will be undertaken:

  1. Search for Meaning
  2. Christianity: Origins and contemporary expressions
  3. Moral Decision Making
  4. World Religions
  5. Religion and Gender
  6. Issues of Justice and Peace
  7. Worship, Prayer and Ritual
  8. The Bible: Literature and Sacred Text
  9. Religion: The Irish Experience
  10. Religion and Science

Sample LC Exam Paper

Coursework is completed as a journal and is worth 20% of the overall result.

20 2024
Opening Mass
21 2024
Open Day
23 2024
School Closed
29 2024
Debutante Ball
Mount Sackville Secondary School,
Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny,
Dublin 20,
D20 WP68

01 821 3317
01 821 4061

© 2024 Mount Sackville Secondary School