Love the children … and make a great effort to improve their education
and raise it to as high a degree as possible. Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey

TY Work Experience

Transition year students who wish to apply for a specialised work experience programme OUTSIDE the set Work experience dates must seek permission in writing from Ms Conlon in advance in order for TY work experience insurance to cover students. Some courses such as Intel, Gardaí, Irish Defence Forces, DSCPA, Hospital programmes, Early University programme in DCU, RCSI, Legal firms, St Patricks ‘Walk in my shoes’ programme as well as other courses and programmes may run on different dates throughout the year. Students must research and apply for such courses and programmes themselves.

NEW ‘Fáilte Ireland’ TY Work Experience Programme

The TY Work Experience Programme links students from Transition Year seeking Work Experience Placements with participating businesses. This provides a structure for employers to provide meaningful placements to students, which can result in offers of employment.

The programme includes placement templates with manuals for both employers and students, online training materials for students, and a demo guide to assist businesses with uploading their placements.

TY Science Work Placement Programmes at DCU

Transition Year students enjoy a week of work experience with the School of Chemical Sciences,
which includes working in a chemistry laboratory and learning the importance of safety when working
with chemicals. Participants learn to synthesize and analyse pharmaceuticals, get a chance to use
instrumentation, do some forensic analysis and learn about the applications of chemistry research. They
also get a short course in Microsoft Power-point and give a mini presentation on their experience.
Transition Year students spend a week at the School of Physical Sciences experiencing life as a
physicist - doing hands on activities, such as fabricating dye sensitive solar cells and launching rockets.
Students science experiment Students discover what it's like to study physics in a university
environment and get a chance to attend first year lectures and laboratory sessions.

Engineering Your Future (EYF)

Courses run in April/May. The programme, supported by STEPS and hosted by a number of third-level
institutes throughout Ireland, offers Transition Year students the opportunity to gain a better understanding of
the skills required of engineers and the career opportunities available to qualified engineers. DIT,UCD and ITT
all take part in hosting this programme. Places are limited, and the application process is competitive. More info

UCD School of Physics

Transition year physics experience (STYPE) programme. Week takes place in early December. The week is
aimed at transition year students who have a strong interest in pursuing a career in Science in general and
Physics in particular. The Transition Year Week is a 5-day programme of lectures, interactive seminars,
dynamic fun experiments and field trips where students get to see how physics is applied in many innovative
All applications must be made online. The link to the application form is

Marine Science: Transition year placements hosted by INFOMAR at the Marine Institute Galway

INFOMAR is Ireland's national seabed mapping programme carried out jointly by the Geological Survey of
Ireland and the Marine Institute. The Marine Institute run a transition year course placement on a pilot basis at
the end of April for up to 20 students. Students spend a week visiting the various Marine Institute facilities and
learning about the different activities of the Institute. At the end of their experience, each student created a 'story
map' and power point presentation to show what they achieved during their placements.
Phone: (+)353 (0)9 138 7200 Email:

The Science Gallery’s Cool Jobs Programme

Cool Jobs aims to give students a greater understanding of what their skill sets are, how to apply them and the
opportunities for creative and lateral thinking in science, engineering and technology careers. The high demand
and positive feedback from students shows that there is a genuine desire to learn from real-life experiences of
people already working within STEM-related careers.

For more information about taking part, please contact
our Education Team at

Transition Year Mentoring Week @ The Science Gallery

Science Gallery runs week-long mentoring programmes in Feb/March and Oct/Nov with 20 students, from
different schools nationwide, participating in each week. Each programme is developed in collaboration with a
range of leading scientists, engineers, artists and entrepreneurs, giving students the chance to participate in
workshops and hands on experiments, lab visits and exhibition tours, presentations and talks, quizzes and more.
Students also get the opportunity to develop project ideas for upcoming exhibitions, and events, mentored by the
Science Gallery team and external experts in science, the arts, culture, design, business and innovation.

DCU School of Computing

Series of one-week courses during the month of January. Learn web design and basic programming.

Contact: Patricia Lacey


Web Design

In this course, students get to design and build a web site on a topic of their choosing. They learn how
to create a basic site using raw HTML tags, control the look-and-feel of the site using CSS styling and
add some animation using Javascript. They will also create their own website banner using a graphic
design application and record their own video to embed into their website. This course is suitable to all
students, regardless of their academic ability. Students who have an interest in writing, editing and
design may find it particularly suitable.



In this course, students will develop their own mobile apps using AppInventer, a programming
environment developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Students learn the basics
of app development using the graphical programming language of Scratch. The apps they develop can
then be easily installed on any Android device or ran on the Android Emulator on the PC. This course
is suitable for any student who is interested in learning the basics of programming.


Introduction to Programming

In this course, students learn how to program in Java, the most popular programming language in the
world. Students are introduced to basic programming concepts through the medium of RobotWorld, a
Pac-man like learning environment developed at DCU. No knowledge of programming is required for
this course. However, it is slightly more difficult than the AppInventer course and would therefore be
particularly suited to students who have already been exposed to some programming, e.g. students who
have already worked with a graphical programming language like Scratch and are ready to move on to
new challenges.

The DIT Computing Academy

You will work with DIT Lecturers and students to learn how to:
Program Robots, Make Computer Games, Build Websites, Develop Mobile Apps
It takes place in May.

Contact: Denise Murphy by e-mailing

Transition Year Placement @ Microsoft Ireland

Microsoft is one of the most successful technology companies in the world pioneering research and
development in new product areas such as digital media and television, Xbox 360, search, security, mobile
computing, and online services.
The Work Experience course lasts 1 week. The course takes place in two periods; Period 1 – Early November -
December. Period 2 – End of January to early March
Location: South County Business Park, Leopradstown, Dublin 18.

Last year there were 700+ applications and program has just 60 available places. So competition is really high. Students must register on in the Work Experience section or contact Microsoft directly.

ICT, Sales & Marketing @ Cisco

Successful applicants will work with the Sales, Presales, and Finance departments in Cisco Ireland. This is a
dynamic and fast paced organisation in Eastpoint, Clontarf, comprising of 80+ staff members. The placements
will involve using the very latest in video communications and other collaboration tools to interact with the
Cisco team. Students will work on a project where they use social media to uncover new contacts for the sales
organisation. Individuals will shadow engineers and account managers to understand our interaction with
customers and partners. Placements are available for two students who will spend a week with Cisco at the same
time. Students will present using either powerpoint, or other IT tools, to the Cisco team at the end of the week
outlining what they have learned.

Students may apply to this programme via the website once they
register to this website.

RCSI Transition Year Mini Med Programme - Dublin

RCSI Transition Year MiniMed School Programme offers a week's experience for Transition Year students interested in a career in Medicine. The school will register their interest in the programme and if we are offered a place students will be informed and at that point they can submit their interest to the TY Coordinator. Only one student from the school will receive a place if Mount Sackville are offered a place on the programme.

Trinity Health Transition Year Programme

The School of Medicine hosts an annual Transition Year Programme which runs for one week during the
academic year. Our aim is to provide students with an opportunity to gain an insight into the life of a medical
student and that of a clinical practitioner. This is achieved through attending a combination of the various
teaching activities undertaken by a 1st or 2nd Medical Year student on the TCD campus, participating in clinical
skills tutorials and shadowing a clinical team in one of Trinity’s teaching hospitals. Students are attached to
clinical teams at Tallaght Hospital, St. James's Hospital and Naas General Hospital and while we do our best to
place students in the location most convenient for them this is not always possible. Due to the practical and
clinical aspects of the programme places are limited, we therefore select students from different schools to
maximise school participation and geographical spread. Applicants will usually be notified in October whether
they have been successful in obtaining a place in the Transition Year Programme and additional information
will be provided to those selected at that stage.

The School of Medicine contact for the Transition Year Programme is Ms. Hannah Archbold,

Telephone (01) 896 2893 or email:

Nursing at The Adelaide and Meath Hospital

2-day programmes.

Application form:
Send to: Jacinta McMahon, Nurse Practice Development Department,A delaide & Meath Hospital, Tallaght.

UCD School of Veterinary Medicine

One week programme in February each year. The aim of the programme is to give students a taste of what it is
like to be a vet student in UCD. As part of this programme, TY students get to sit in on lectures, attend some
laboratories and observe staff and students in the Vet Hospital. Applications forms available at

Transition Year Week in DIT School of Architecture

For TY candidates interested in the Architecture and Architectural Technology Programmes in DIT. Limited
number of places. Course takes place in early May. Students will get a chance to sample some lectures, visit an
architect’s office, have guided architectural tours of Dublin, advice on the entry process to the programmes and
engage in some architecture related projects. The week will be centred in a studio space in the School of
Architecture in DIT.

Please email

UNICEF Ireland Transition Year Work Experience Programme

UNICEF Ireland is delighted to facilitate Transition Year work experience students throughout the academic
year for a period of one week per placement. During the week students would perform a number of tasks
supporting the UNICEF Ireland Fundraising team. The work is varied but would generally consist of supporting
any live or upcoming campaigns or events, administration tasks such as compiling mail-outs, data entry,
creation of contact lists for telemarketing, stock takes, filing, attending meetings with various members of the
team and online research. The role would be primarily based in the office at 33 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 1.
The hours would be between 10 and 3pm but we are flexible to accommodate any necessary travel arrangements
or appointments. Due to the large volume of applications received all applicants are not guaranteed a place on
work experience program. The closing date for all applications is the August before the upcoming academic

To apply for a work placement with UNICEF Ireland please complete the form below & email it to:

ECO – UNESCO Environmental Youth Programme

UNESCO are currently running a number of programmes with young people and need some volunteers to get
involved! Are you self-motivated, energetic and creative? Have an ability to work on your own initiative as well
as part of a team? Interested in the environment?
One week programme.

Location: The Greenhouse, 17 St. Andrew Street, Dublin City Centre.
01 6625491

Surveying & Construction Management

Transition Year Week in DIT School of Surveying and Construction Management.
The aim of the week is to afford second level students with the opportunity to join the staff and students in the
DIT Bolton Street campus for a week long taster of a variety of courses on offer in DIT in Property,
Construction Management and Geomatics. A full week of activities is planned for participants including site
visits, fieldwork, measurement surveys, lab and tutorial work, together with 'formal' lectures. Participants will
be afforded the opportunity to Use state of the art survey instrumentation, undertake site visits, experience lab
work, project based learning and practical tutorials. Learn from our current students what positive career
opportunities lie ahead upon graduation, and about the current research and further study options that many are
pursuing. Places are limited and will be filled on a first come first served basis. Please email m
to apply for a place.
Cost: € 35 per student, which includes lunch for each day, all activities and site visits etc.
Cooks Academy
Address: 19 South William Street, Dublin 2. Email: Website:

Virgin Media Television

Contact Phone Number: 4193333

Address: Westgate Business Park, Ballymount, Dublin 24


NOTE: Limited spaces available

TY correspondence courses run by DCU Centre for Talented Youth

Students can study short courses in areas such as psychology, law, medicine, creative writing, science.
Assignments corrected by DCU tutors.

TY Courses at Trinity College Dublin

Biochemistry and Immunology

The School of Biochemistry and Immunology runs two separate workexperience weeks for transition year students each year, taking 16 students each week. Students are selected from a range of schools around the country to maximise school participation. The students spend half their week in a research laboratory, where they interact with students and senior researchers, learning about and
participating in the laboratory’s research. The rest of the week involves group activities with talks, quizzes and
visits to scientifically relevant sites on campus.

Application forms available on the School website:

CRANN (Nanoscience)

CRANN is Trinity’s largest research institute. It hosts the AMBER center, Ireland’s leading materials science centre and offers two “Exploring Materials” weeks for TY students yearly, one in spring and one in autumn. We typically take 15 students each week from different schools around the country. Students learn about the basics of materials science with special emphasis placed on nanomaterials. Over the
week the TY students visit PhD researchers in their labs, both in CRANN and also at RCSI, St James’s Hospital
and at our Advanced Microscopy Laboratory where they get to see advanced electron microscopes. Students
also learn about how AMBER works with industry partners, e.g. Intel, and about the commercialisation of

Application forms available at


The School of Medicine at TCD runs a week long transition year programme during the academic
year. The programme provides a unique insight for TY students into the life of a medical student/clinical
practitioner. Students will have the opportunity to undertake teaching activities with first- and second-year
medical students on the Trinity campus, participate in clinical skills tutorials and to join a clinical team in one of
the teaching hospitals. There are approximately 30 places available and students are selected from different
schools in order to maximise school participation and geographical spread.

Application procedures are available on the School website:
Applicants will usually be notified in October whether they have been successful in obtaining a place in the
Transition Year Programme and additional information will be provided to those selected at that stage.

The School of Medicine contact for the Transition Year Programme is Ms. Hannah Archbold, Telephone (01) 896
2893 or email:


The School of Chemistry hosts a week-long programme aimed at transition year students in late
February. The programme involves a series of lectures, practical work and interactive tours of the facilities. This
course offers a unique opportunity for interaction with students from different schools and for hands-on
exposure to advanced methodology in world-class laboratories. Dates for the 2020-21 TY programme will be
announced on the School of Chemistry’s website ( in Autumn 2020 but expressions of
interest are accepted throughout the year.

Nursing and Midwifery

The School of Nursing and Midwifery runs a one-week programme for transition year
students. This programme provides an introduction to the professions of nursing and midwifery, and is delivered
through both lectures and practical sessions. For further information on the programme and the application
process, please contact Jeni Ryan


The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences offers placements for transition year students
every year. Placements are possible in October/November and February/March, and are restricted to two
students per week. A range of activities with our pharmacy students are available to TY students, including a
tour of the facilities, attending lectures, seminars, workshops and practicals. For information on how and when
to apply, visit the webpage


The School of Physics hosts a number of outreach events during the academic year. The popular
Transition Year Physics Experience (TYPE) is held in November of each academic year. It lasts a full week and
introduces students to nanophysics and astrophysics. The School also hosts two one-day events in February each
year which focus on nanophysics or astrophysics. Information on all TYPE activities is sent to all secondary
schools inviting them to submit applications for selected students. Public lectures for secondary school students
are also held during Science Week. The details are posted on the Science Week website (
Details on the various events can also be found on the School of Physics website:


The Department of Zoology offers a Transition Year Programme to introduce secondary school
students to the exciting world of scientific research. During your week with us you will get to meet our staff,
students and post-graduates in a friendly and structured week of laboratory and related activities. See for further details.

TCD Computer Science

Computer Science Workshops. 1 week workshop.

Send name of your school and TY
Coordinator to:

Criteria for entry: Study of Higher Level Maths and an interest in the study
of computing or engineering at third level. The aim of the workshops is to introduce students to computer
science in general and Trinity College in particular. Past activities have included building and programming
Lego robots, animation and game design using Scratch, blogging and web design, sound recording, pod casting
and multimedia work. Students will gain experience working as part of a team, meeting deadlines and
presenting their work in addition to developing their technical skills. It is an introductory course so no
experience necessary. HL Maths required

Further Contact details for Courses available to TY

Crann TCD (Nanoscience)

UCD School of Physics and Engineering

Mater (IHL) Course
Contact: Ms Sandra Crawford
Phone 8032000

St Columcille’s Hospital
Contact Ms Deirdre Fitzgerald

Beacon Hospital
Contact Jennifer O Reilly
Phone 2938695

The Adelaide & Meath Hospital
Contact Deirdre Fullam

Marjorie Connolly
CPD & Compliance Manager
The Council of the Bar of Ireland
01 817 5423

Brown Bag Films (animation/film production)
Elaine O’Connor 01 8721608
1st Floor, block F, Smithfield Market, Dublin 7

LA Makeup
Block 4-5 Chatham Street, Dublin 2
Phone 01 6751999/ 01 6706886

UCD Physics
Tom McCormack 01 7168290

Kiss Magazine
Ciara Sammon 01 4804700
3 Ely Place, dublin 2

Cooks Academy
19 South William Street, Dublin 2

Gazette Group Newspapers
3A Millbank Business Park, Lower road Lucan 01 6010240

Iarnrod Eireann
Keith O’Connor 01 7032310
Connolly Station, Dublin 1

Gillian Bird 01 4994705

Assets Model agency
28 The basement, Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2
01 6616890

Virgin Media Television
01 4193333

UCD Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
Annette Patchett 01 7167194
Application form
2 days costs €50

Odinance Survey Ireland maps
Richie Ryan 01 8025300
Phoenix Park, Dublin 3

DCU School of Computing
Patricia Lacey

Local News publications
Frank 01 4534011
Bankhouse, 331 South Circular Road, Dublin 8

Raidio Na Life, Mr. Muiris Ó Fiannachta
Raidio Na Life, 7 Cearnóg Mhuirfean, Baile Átha Cliath 2.
Phone: 01-6616333
NOTE: Must be able to speak Irish

Ballymaloe Cookery TY course

13 2025
6th Year Trip to Rome
17 2025
Midterm Break
23 2025
Junior Choir Workshop
25 2025
Senior Cycle Information Evening
Mount Sackville Secondary School,
Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny,
Dublin 20,
D20 WP68

01 821 3317
01 821 4061

© 2025 Mount Sackville Secondary School