The Pichet Library
We love to read at Mount Sackville, and are very fortunate to have a beautiful, spacious library stocked with books and a full-time librarian, Ms. Mary Beth Taylor. The Pichet Library was so named after the first Mother Superior at Mount Sackville, Mother Pichet. A bright, inviting space offering a peaceful area to study and read, the library is open before school, after school, and at breaks and lunch.
During term time, the library is open:
Monday / Tuesday / Thursday / Friday: 8.15 AM – 4.15 PM
Wednesday: 8.15 AM – 1.45 PM

Reading and Resources
At Mount Sackville, students are encouraged to read for pleasure, along with reading to support their studies. We have a huge selection of fiction and non-fiction texts, as well as graphic novels, resources in other languages, and several popular book series. Students are issued their own library cards and can borrow up to three books at a time, for a renewable period of two weeks. We have book clubs for both staff and students to cultivate connection and discussion around reading. Additionally, teachers may bring their classes to the library to allow students time to explore our collection and find books that pique their interests. Ms. Taylor curates book displays throughout the year to highlight unique themes and help connect students with different sections of our collection. Students are invited to help decorate the library for holidays and give feedback about books they enjoy reading.

Accelerated Reader
Along with Ms. Lisa Byrne, Ms. Taylor leads our Accelerated Reader and STAR Assessment programme for students in 1st and 2nd Year. STAR is a computer-adaptive assessment for reading and literacy that incorporates empirically validated learning progressions. It offers us baseline data with reference to students’ literacy skills and their overall reading progression. At present, 1st and 2nd Year students undertake STAR assessments at the beginning and end of the school year. This helps us understand their abilities in terms of reading comprehension and knowledge of vocabulary, and gives us the information we need to link students with books that are suitable for their age, interest, and capabilities. Each year we populate our library with your daughters’ book choices in mind, as we endeavor to provide resources to cultivate each students' interest and encourage ongoing reading progress.
Throughout the year, we encourage students to take a short Accelerated Reader quiz after they complete a book. AR quizzes, comprised of 10 multiple choice questions, helps consolidate reading comprehension. Every book in the AR system has an accompanying quiz and the results of the quiz support literacy improvement and a solid reading culture that is at the heart of all learning.
Library Events
Along with reading and study, the Library is used as a space for classes, presentations, and special events. During the past year, we hosted ‘Christmas in the Library,’ a festive lunchtime event where staff and students shared their favourite Christmas/winter-themed poetry and music through literary readings and performance. Similarly, our ‘Seisiún Leabharlann,’ held during Seachtain na Gaeilge, provided the opportunity for Mount Sackville to celebrate Irish literature, song, and dance.
Seisiún Leabharlann
The Pichet Library is a unique and beautiful space celebrating all forms of artistry, culture, and knowledge. We look forward to welcoming your daughters there as we continue to cultivate an atmosphere of discovery and growth.
Students' Library Page: